Sadly, Nancy is no longer with us -
Click here to see her obituary
Need an jewelry appraiser? Call her long-time associate Jane Carleton
925-393-1962 or visit Jane's website at
Independent Professional Appraiser of Diamonds, Gemstones, Watches and Fine
Nancy Stacy is an
independent jewelry appraiser specializing in appraisal of modern and antique
fine jewelry, diamonds, gemstones and watches. She serves the San Francisco Bay
Area from her office in Walnut Creek, California. A professional in the jewelry
industry since 1980, Nancy owned a fine jewelry store for ten years before
opening her jewelry appraisal practice in 1990. Ms. Stacy earned her Graduate
Gemologist (GG) diploma from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in
1984. She earned her Master Gemologist Appraiser® credential from the American
Society of Appraisers (ASA) in 1987. She now operates Contra Costa Gem Lab,
which is a state-of-the-art Certified Laboratory of the Accredited Gemologists
Association. Nancy Stacy is highly respected in the appraisal profession, having
attained top-level credentials in three professional appraisal organizations.
Senior Appraiser and Master Gemologist Appraiser® of the
Society of Appraisers, and International Chair of ASA’s Gems &
Jewelry Discipline for 1997-99. Three terms as G&J Education Chair &
advisor to ASA International Education Committee, 9 years as Vice-Chair of the ASA International Board of Examiners.
Gems & Jewelry Governor of ASA 2011 - 2014.
National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA) Charter Senior Member
Accredited Senior Gemologist of the Accredited Gemologists Association (AGA).
Insurance AppraiserTM - Jewelry
Insurance Appraisal Institute
Member (1982) International Society of Appraisers, President of the
Northern California Chapter, 1991-1992, Certified Appraiser of Personal
Property (ISA-CAPP) 1995-2002
Accepted as an expert witness in several courts of law.
Appraisal course developer and instructor:
Instructor and course co-developer of ASA’s
GJ206 “Gems & Jewelry
Standards and Techniques”, required for Master Gemologist
Appraiser® certification. Course co-developer and instructor of ASA’s
GJ205, “Gems & Jewelry Appraisal Theory, Methods and Application”,
and GJ216 “Advanced Gemological Appraisal”, which she has taught four
times at the invitation of the government of China, in Beijing and Shanghai.
Instructor for ASA’s Principles of Valuation courses PP/GJ201
(Introduction to Personal Property Valuation), PP/GJ202 (Valuation
Methodology: Research & Analysis of Data) and PP/GJ203 (Report
Member of Jewelers Vigilance Committee Appraisal Task Force to write Guidelines
for Insurance Documentation
Consultant for the development of
Insurance Appraisal course
Selected to the
Issues Resource Panel of the
Foundation’s Appraisal Standards Board